Rise Again, Japan! |
LINKS TO THE DONATION SITES : AMERICAN RED CROSS http://american.redcross.org/ GOOGLE CRISIS REPORT (has some choices for donation) http://www.google.com/intl/en/crisisresponse/japanquake2011.html#donation NEW YORK CITY https://www.nyc.gov/html/fund/html/donate/donate.shtml JAPAN SOCIETY https://www.japansociety.org/earthquake "RISE AGAIN, JAPAN!" is a video project for the earthquake and tsunami relief in Japan. This video is created by a group of professional filmmakers in NYC. It is a completely independent, non-profit project with a simple mission; "SEND MOST PRACTICAL & EFFECTIVE HELP TO JAPAN - MONEY!" We are not sponsored and do not represent any organization. We are suggesting couple of donation sites that we think are legitimate and reliable, however you can pick any organization of your choice. If this video inspires even one person to click on their preferred site to donate money for Japan, our mission would be accomplished!! Please help us forward this video and links to anyone and everyone. Our deepest gratitude to Robin Williams, Ice-T, people of NY, and you for watching this video. Arigato World! For more information, contact |